Design & Technology #2

  • Communication
  • DART
  • sound & space & time

GenAI in sound & space & time

Artificial Brilliance: A summer evening full of creative and inspiring impulses. It was a pleasure for us to organise the second "Design & Technology" salon at our rooms at the Neuss harbour together with the Design Association of the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences (HSD). With a focus on GenAI in sound & space & time, we learnt about practical applications of generative AI in the fields of animation, film, music and communication design.

"At the second Design & Technology evening, the D'art Design Group showed how much AI is already changing this design sector with very practical, open but also critical presentations"
Katharina Stein, freelance editor.

It is obvious that AI has already transformed our everyday design lives. Speakers Wolfram Zwanziger, Felix Dölker, Otto Stockmeier and Fender Schrade demonstrated how AI systems are opening up new possibilities for ever more efficient workflows and provided insights into their projects. Felix Dölker demonstrated live with the open source platform "Stable Diffusion" that inspiration, thoughts and specifications are (still) made by humans. AI needs to be constantly fed with new information in order to enrich and improve the system. However, AI tools are helping to produce ever faster results that make everyday work easier. The lively participation in the panel discussion on GenAI as an aid and tool left all guests with new and inspiring impressions.

"I found the conclusion of the evening particularly relevant, that it is the task of all of us to actively help shape the integration of this technology not only into our everyday work, but also into our lives, and to constantly question how and at which interfaces we want to interact with it." 
Felix Dölker, Lecturer at Bochum University of Applied Sciences

A good event needs an impressive stage. Supported by from Neuss, our agency was transformed into an event location. The large LED wall became Instagramable and allowed all visitors to immerse themselves in an immersive, digitally generated world. The techy look was a throwback to the early 90s gamer world and brought a "back to the roots" charm. In addition to popcorn and peanut flips, the sound & space & time sticker was a must-have souvenir of the evening.

    • ProjeCt
    • Design & TEchnology #2
    • location
    • Neuss Am Zollhafen
    • Event
    • phOTOGRAphy
    • Tim Krause malanders fotografie
  • Exhibition
  • DART
New Design from Düsseldorf